Have you ever been deceived and placed "your faith" in a false gospel ? Well, this new book written by Danny Frigulti - an in-depth Scriptural refutation of more than 100 false faith teachings taught around the world about Jesus and the Bible by "false faith ministries" and their followers - will clear up many of those false faith teachings and hopefully set you free regarding the gospel.
† For decades faith healing ministries have been preaching a false gospel. It is a false gospel because it deceives people into believing that the gospel Jesus preached also guaranteed healing and money "for all who believe and receive it by faith." The Scriptures presented in this book will prove the gospel Jesus and his apostles preached guaranteed forgiveness for our sins, not health and wealth for all.
† Commonly found within false healing ministries are false teachings on sickness, healing, faith, positive confession, quantum faith, creative visualization, prayer, prosperity, and Christ's atonement. These false teachings are among the most destructive to invade the Body of Christ since the diabolical teachings of the Gnostic groups during the first two centuries of Christianity. Through false teachers, God's people are being destroyed and perishing because they lack true knowledge about Jesus (Hosea 4:6).
† The false teachings exposed in this book are found around the world where faith messages are constantly preached. False gospel teachers have eliminated essential truth about the gospel and are presenting a deceptive gospel with a false Jesus for selfish monetary gain. The true identity of the Lord Jesus has been tossed into an evil vortex, much to the delight of the devil and his demons. (1 Timothy 4:1)
† When you have finished reading this book, you will see that the Jesus preached and proclaimed by the Worldwide Faith Movement is not the Jesus who came from Heaven. The counterfeit Messiah of the false faith teachings is not the long-awaited Messiah who will save Israel. This false Messiah identity will deceive many Jews and Gentiles. The real Jesus has ample reason to be furious with those who lead Israel and the nations astray.
† Author - Danny Frigulti - has spent over 30 years researching and analyzing false faith / prosperity teachings. He is a graduate of Fresno State University.
† Luke 24: 45 - 48